This is how Mr. Midnight Movie and Jewish Producer defend themselves from the creepy bastards of the world. The techniques demonstrated in this video, when utilized in correct form, help defend the golden cheeseburger of truth.
Fighting For Your 1st Amendment Rights And The American Dream!
“We are in a retrograde moment,” Burns explained, “in which the dog whistles of race that have been with us — we can’t pretend now that a phenomenon of the kind of racial innuendo that’s happening right now is somehow new and we’re shocked, shocked that this is happening.” - KB
Thomas concluded by telling the graduates to thank their families and teachers — "these are the people who have shown you how to sacrifice for those they love, even when that sacrifice is not always appreciated," he said — and to be kind to those in need. "As you go through life, try to be that person whose actions teach others how to be better people and better citizens," he said.