- Tarek Fatah Retweeted Laura B.What's wrong with temporary ban on Muslim Immigration & refugees coming to US? If u don't, u r screwed.
#WhiteGuiltTarek Fatah added,
Laura B. @LauraE303B
@TarekFatah I just watched it and Donald Trump made NO distinction. He wants a temporary ban on all Muslims. And refugees.@CNN - Not big on what non-Whites think about us, but this video of a Japanese girl critiquing "White guilt" is interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH8AsTCigp8#t=143 …
yeah. I wish it was somebody that was true to himself, not someone who just wants to show white guilt.Yoko added,I'm ashamed for Obama using Japan like that. That shows where his true intentions lie. His own selfish legacy. Sad.
- Raheem Kassam Schools White Guilt Leftard On Migrant Rapes
1st Scene Contest and 14 others follow
✨Patriotic Mama
✨Patriotic Mama
Sir. Vivor and 1 other followMicah Patrick Retweeted kaileyAnother sharia loving, white guilt, liberal progressive wanting all muslim refugees allowed here.Smh they are so sadMicah Patrick added: I just think you guys are the reason the world is so shitty, so thanks for everything
✨ Retweeted Katie Hopkins
Absolutely true. The Left pushes "white guilt" & promotes notion of "white privilege," intimidates ppl into silence.
Katie Hopkins
Racism has spun 180 degrees and is anti-white. That doesn't make it any less racist. http://dailym.ai/1q9HupR
dear liberals if you're really feeling the white guilt less think pieces more this
Audit The Media and 3 others followJapanese citizen- "White guilt is a precondition for white slavery" h/t http://conservative-headlines.com
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