Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2014

JP's Skype Chat With Mr. Solution

MR. SOLUTION: Hello JP, I ttrust that my communication finds you in the highest of spirits ;) Please see below the email that I forwarded to our beloved Truth Clown #1... Hi Truth-Clown; send me the link to your new show on Spreaker. Being an internet 1st amendment Super Hero, I knew one of your superior debate prowess could not be party to such a vaccous wiin as was alleged in our most recent debate debacle. Mr. Solution - I am also cc-ing our lovable villiage idiot and twin Truth Clown JP.


Jewish Producer: I will forward this to the world and Mr. Midnight Movie, grammatical errors/typos included. Also remember that you went running to Goofybone as if you were about to attempt some grand coup de grâce on MMM and please, if I may, fart in your general direction. This was a cowardice, transparent gambit. Smooth move, exlax. I look forward to more of your similarly fumbled punts.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

"I too have a dream, where all men are able to legally obtain the services of the same hookers that tainted the name of Martin Luther King, Jr.  He should not have been subjected to the ridicule that he faced at a time when he was trying to make America a better place to live." - Mr. Midnight Movie

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