Mr Midnight Movie and Jewish Producer recently created a new cause to Occupy Mr. Midnight Movie. Has the Occupy movement given itself a chance for survival in a world where the band Beachhouse has taken the country by storm? Hell no. Hipsters want to buy this stuff, they don't want a stupid torrent! Mr. Midnight Movie wants his, and he tells the story of why here as they approach the occupy L.A. encampment which Jewish Producer likens to District 8. The visit to occupy L.A. taught the Mr. Midnight Movie team an important lesson - be safe, don't talk to strangers without proper awareness of your surroundings and most importantly, EVERYONE is watching. Whether you agree with the Occupy L.A. movement or think it's a waste of time, you'll want to check out this video and decide if you are more educated on the matter.
Thank you to all BIDDERS! Do to stagnation in our economy and the scalper-proof Burning Man operations dead set on nothing less than a perfect demolishing of our wretched economic system - the two BM2012 tickets were sold at FACE VALUE (+ 10 dollars, I win, fuckers). Thanks for the bids, sorry to the girl who wanted to trade her entire My Little Pony sticker collection for the tickets. Be well.
--Jewish Producer
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